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* Bayside: The dark, bearded Peter Fisk walks along the wooded paths of the island until reaching a beach. Genres: Vintage, Gay Feature, Anal Sex, Blowjob, Interracial, Oral Sex, Sex Toysīoys in the Sand isposed of three segments set on Fire Island. Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1953kbpsĭownload Below The Belt (1985) - Jim Steele, Chad Douglas, Michael CummingsĬast: Casey Donovan Peter Fisk Danny Di Cioccio Tommy Moore Just good, cum-drenched, jock-style sloppy man sex. No condoms, no apologies, and no babies here. Jim Steele and his surprisingly solid uncut meat also make this a winner.įans of both hairy and smooth, locker room sex, underwear, monster-sized cocks and interracial sex with Asian men will be in heaven, too. Lots of thick gooey loads are dumped, and Chad has never looked better. The double penetration scene is one of the best of its kind ever filmed. Flick is set primarily in a martial arts type of school, so you know there's tons of grappling and jock-style karate chops. Pre-condom era excellence courtesy of director Philip St. Genres: Classic, Muscles, Action, Pre-Condom Below The Belt (1985) - Jim Steele, Chad Douglas, Michael CummingsĬast: Jim Steele, Chad Douglas, Chris Burns, David Ashfield, Scott O'Hara, Shane Michaels, Michael Ram, Nick Shultz, Brian Michaels, Matt Ramsey, Michael Cummings, Grant West

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