Cs go im gay meme

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According to details provided by kinetik001 in a Reddit AMA, he happened to be doing a test recording with Fraps capture software when the events of the video unfolded. The match, an ESEA pub game, was played on cpl_mill defuse map.

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I could exercise you, this could be your phys-edĬheat on your man homie AGHHH I tried to sneak through the door, man! Can't make it, can't make it, the shit's stuck! Outta my way son! DOOR STUCK! DOOR STUCK! Please! I beg you! We're dead! You're a g-g-genuine dick sucker! Yo I'm adding this guy to friends. The original upload of the video accumulated over 10.8 million views in 13 years (shown below). The 'door stuck' guy, who starts the round by singing the lyrics from 'Drop It Like It's Hot ' by Snoop Dogg, quickly realizes that he is stuck, reacting by shouting 'door stuck' and 'please' into the voice chat before both he and KinetiK001, playing as counter-terrorists, get killed by an enemy player.

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On September 22nd, 2007, YouTube user KinetiK001 posted a 34-second clip of himself griefing his Counter-Strike 1.6 teammate iambackk (jrbsn), known primarily as 'door stuck guy,' into being stuck in a door frame on cpl_mill map.

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